I love reading non-fiction. Here are 5 books that stood out for me this year and inspired my writing and personal life:

Be Useful: 7 Tools for Life
by Arnold Schwarzenegger

I love reading memoirs and biographies and this one was a page-turner. By sharing his story, Arnold Schwarzenegger demonstrates that you can achieve anything if you put in the effort, discipline and hard work. His seven rules to life a purposeful life are inspirational and I added Be Useful to my daily intentions. How can you help someone every day?


Grounded by Ruth Allen

When I read the subtitle: How connection with nature can improve our mental and physical wellbeing, I knew I wanted to read this book. Nature has been a source for positive energy for me for a while. I love wandering along the beach or through the forest, observing intricate details and wondering about the mysteries of nature. By letting my mind wander, I often come up with new ideas for work or private projects. The author elaborates on the benefits of finding a deep connection with nature, such as balance, stillness, solitude, resilience, contentment, activity and fearlessness. Suggestions for exercises help the reader put theory into practice. 


You Could Make This Place Beautiful: A Memoir by Maggie Smith

I randomly picked this book because of the beautiful cover design. Then, I saw that it is a memoir written in vignettes, which I was thinking of doing with my current manuscript. I took it as a sign from the Universe and loved reading this true story about loss, grief, and joy, picking up tips for structure and form along the way. The author skilfully interweaves pieces of meditation on secrets, anger, and forgiveness with the narrative of her story.


An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield

I would never have picked up this book if it wasn’t for my book club. I reluctantly started to read it and not long, I couldn’t put it down. I found it astonishing how much knowledge and skills astronauts have to learn and master before they are allowed in space. It was also illuminating to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes at NASA. One thing that stood out was the author’s advice ‘to always sweat the small stuff’ because it can save your life.


The Intuition Toolkit by Joel Pearson

Since my life-changing Kahuna massage in 2016 (you can read my story in my memoir Dare to Dance), I rely more on my intuition than ever before. I know I can trust my gut feeling. When I came across this book by Joel Pearson, a psychologist, neuroscientist and Director of the Future Minds Lab at the University of New South Wales, claiming that intuition is “the learnt, productive use of unconscious information to improve decisions or actions”, I was intrigued. In his book, he explains what intuition is, when you can trust it and when you should challenge it and how to use it daily to your advantage.


What was one of your favourite non-fiction books in 2024?



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