Did you know that 2017 is a Universal 1 Year?
If you are like most people, 2016 was not your year. I heard numerous friends and acquaintances complain about the past 12 months. I have to admit that it was not my best year either. I felt like riding on a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs.
One of the highlights last year was our end-of-the-year trip to GAIA Retreat & Spa. We only booked it about six weeks in advance and were lucky to get a place. I had visited GAIA twice before and was looking forward to another blissful week in the Hinterland of Byron Bay. In case you would like to read about a typical day at GAIA, check out this post about my last stay.
With the intention of being nurtured around the clock and basically doing nothing apart from relaxing and staring into nature, I arrived at my personal paradise on earth. Little did I expect that five days later I would leave with a life-changing experience.
Do you believe in numerology?
On the second last day of the year, the yoga teacher asked us if we believed in numerology. She explained that 2016 was the last year of a nine-year cycle, typically a year of endings where we reflect on the past nine years and what we have achieved. She then pointed out that 2017, a Universal 1 Year, represents the beginning of a new nine-year cycle of creativity, learning and growth.
I did not know a lot about numerology and was intrigued by what she had said. Later that day, I started researching online to learn more about Universal 1 years. I happened to land on an Australian website with a wealth of information on numerology and the meaning of Universal 1 years.
“The intention and foundations you set in place during 2017 mould the field of potentiality and set the tone and flow of energy within your life over the forthcoming nine years,” the site Universal Life Tools explained.
And here are the words that resonate with the Universal 1 Year:
- Aloha
- Blissful
- Spirit
- Goddess
- Pioneer
- Union
- Discipline
- Vitality
- Namaste (bowing to the God or the spirit within you)
- Archangel Haniel (who helps us to return to the integrity of our Divine Essential Self)
Embrace your Divine Goddess
“As each of us activates our inherent creativity through our Goddess selves, we activate a vitality, a force within us that can move mountains, which can create miracles.”
This statement particularly resonated with me, as the day after I had learned about numerology I had a spa treatment, which I had booked out of curiosity: a Kahuna massage. This treatment has changed my life, and I am looking forward to the next nine years with anticipation and excitement.
Kahuna – an ancient massage style with impact
Kahuna originates from Hawaii – the word meaning ‘wise man’ or ‘shaman’ – and is an ancient style of massage, traditionally performed to honour the body as a temple. One generation passed it on to the next to use it as a healing modality in rites of passage ceremonies. With a mix of rhythm, dance, music and massage, Kahuna aims to relax, rebalance and invigorate the mind, body and spirit.
The main two differences to traditional massages are that Kahuna massages are much more vigorous and energetic. The therapist uses his fingers, wrists and forearms and literally dances around the massage bed, supported by dynamic breathing while applying the massage strokes in a fluid motion all over the body. Kahuna massages also incorporate under-body work, stretching and sound vibration. There is no “predetermined routine” that is performed in the same way with every client. Skilled practitioners will approach each person with love and compassion and deliver a unique experience for the client. The practitioner is 100 per cent present at all times and sets his intention for a holistic healing process, with music, sounds and rhythm being a vital part of the massage.
If you ever experienced a Kahuna massage, you know what I’m talking about. If not, go and book one now! For me, it was an otherworldly experience, and I feel energised and ready to take the world in storm in 2017 and beyond.
Back home, I curated my vision board for the year, which you can see below.

What are your goals for 2017?
As the numerology website states further: “2017 is all about showing up, saying Aloha to the universe and being a pioneer of this new nine-year adventure.”
What are your intentions for the next twelve months? What are you going to cherish? What do you want to achieve?
As readers of this blog know, I am a big fan of mood boards or vision boards, as they are a practical and helpful tool to visualise abstract ideas and goals. Since 2015, I do a vision board in the first days of the New Year and have had pretty good results with this method.
My goals this year:
- Honour and cherish my divine Goddess self and follow my heart
- Get my memoir published (still working on this goal from last year)
- Expand my content and copywriting business
- Return to GAIA for another treat
For those of you, who would like to make a vision board, check out this post for a guideline or sign up for my online course to learn the seven steps to consider when curating a mood (or vision) board.
If you would like to share your goals and dreams for 2017, post your comment below.