Last Saturday, I ran the second workshop of a 3-part series on Apartment Living in partnership with the Green Square Library, Sydney. The first session was all about de-cluttering and getting ready for the move to a smaller space or starting a decorating project. In the second workshop, I covered decorating styles and mood boards and gave a short introduction into the world of colour theory and psychology.
[pullquote1 quotes="true" align="center" variation="purple"]I thoroughly enjoy Bettina’s passion and expertise. Always interesting and I take away at least a few tips.[/pullquote1]
14 people, some of whom were repeating participants, could not wait to get started with cutting and tearing out inspirational images. Before starting the hands-on exercise, I introduced three methods to find your decorating style, one of which was creating a one-minute story of who you are. This exercise involves digging deep into your memory and writing a one-minute story about an experience in your childhood; an interesting exercise to go on a self-discovery journey. I then gave a short introduction about mood boards and explained why they are such great tools to work with when planning interior decorating projects. Finally, I explained the world of colour and why colour is such a powerful tool when it comes to interior decorating.
Here are five reasons why mood boards are such great visualisation tools:
- You will gain clarity about your project and find out if your ideas will work.
- Mood boards are a great tool for communication. Use your mood board to show your ideas to friends, family, or an interior decorator.
- Mood boards will help you take action and achieve the next step in your decorating project.
- You will tap into the right side of your brain and spark your creativity.
- You will hone your interior decorating skills.
It was a fun workshop with lots of happy faces in the end. Here are some images and impressions.
[pullquote1 quotes="true" align="center" variation="purple"]Very engaging ! The content was helpful and challenged to analyse and re-evaluate.[/pullquote1]
[pullquote1 quotes="true" align="center" variation="purple"]Hands-on, notes were great, very helpful and easy to understand.[/pullquote1]
To read more about curating a mood board purchase your copy of Downsize with Style and visit my author platform to download free checklists and resources to get started.
[colored_box variation="purple"]There were quite a few people interested in a half-day workshop to finish a mood board for a specific project. If you are interested in tapping into the creative side of your brain and at the same time save time and money with a curated mood board to use as a reference and shopping guide for your interior decorating project please contact me or leave a comment below.[/colored_box]