In this episode, I talk about the act of ‘letting go’. Letting go of thoughts, actions, things that do not serve us any longer.

I would like to encourage you to think about things, beliefs and habits that you have been holding on to for a while, or maybe years, and what this does to you.
Does holding on to your things prevent you from downsizing and starting a new chapter of your life, living with less?
Do your beliefs hold you back from stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing something new?
Do you let your habits reign and suffocate your creativity?

For the time being, I will put this podcast show on hiatus. Please visit the Downsize with Style podcast page and listen to the many valuable interviews and resources that I shared with you over the past 21 months.

Thank you to all of our listeners worldwide and all our interview partners who shared their stories and valuable advice and promoted the show through their communities.

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