Writing a business book can be a long and challenging journey with lots of ups and downs. You’re your manuscript has been edited and your book is about to be released to the world–whether self-published or through a commercial publisher–it’s time to promote it and create some noise in the market.

One of the first things to do is build is your author platform–this process ideally starts already while writing the book. The author platform is a book landing page that gives your audience an overview of what your book is about and where they can buy it.

Here are five transformative tips that will empower you to effectively promote your literary endeavours and amplify your business impact.


Tip #1: Build your author platform

Your book website should include a sales landing page with a synopsis, testimonials and links to Amazon and other sales pages. A free pdf download with a sample chapter can entice readers to have a sneak peek and eventually purchase your book. Use this pdf for your Amazon author page and other online outlets. Add a short video to introduce the book to your audience.

An online Media Kit is a great service for journalists, as it makes their lives easier. Include download links for the book launch media release, author bios, book cover art, headshots, and illustrations. You can even offer prewritten Q&As.


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Image: Jonas Jacobsson via Unsplash

Tip #2: Write a media release

Draft a media release to announce the launch of your book. Include a cover picture, a brief synopsis, a testimonial, a paragraph about yourself, and where the editor can get further information. Seek the help of a PR specialist to get your message to the right editors.


Tip #3: Create a library of content

Elevate your book's visibility by creating compelling content that resonates with your audience. A series of articles, podcasts, and videos can delve into themes from your book, establishing you as an authority and drawing readers in. And bloggers or podcasters are always looking for new content.

From your content, it is easy to create a strategic social media campaign with thought-provoking snippets illustrated by captivating graphics and teasers.


Tip #4: Seek speaking opportunities

Research online (podcasts in your industry) and offline events and speaking opportunities to share your story and promote your book. A PR agency or publicity consultant can be helpful if you would like to outsource this task.


Tip #5: Find alliance partners

Start networking and connect with potential referral partners. Who are influencers and thought leaders in your area of expertise? Who in your industry might be interested in joint activities to share your expertise and help promote your book?

Their endorsements and reviews can fuel your book's credibility and reach, opening doors to an expansive audience.


For those who would like to write a book and don’t know where to start and for authors who need help with editing, website design, photography or publicity, the team behind WriteTellSell is there to help.

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