DWS 53: Multi-Purpose Rooms

In episode 53 I share three essential steps to make most out of a spare bedroom. Often, spare bedrooms are not very spacious in the first place. You might also find built-in wardrobes or large windows that take away wall space and make it even more difficult to work...

DWS 47: Love Your Home

In episode 47 of the Downsize with Style podcast, I chat with interior designer Babette Hayes about love in the home and how to create a happy home - no matter how big or small it is. We cover a broad range of topics such as colour, storage, space planning, decorating...

DWS 37: Interview with BoConcept

When downsizing to a smaller home or apartment, people often take the oppportunity to create something new, a different style, a different look in their new home. As I get often asked where to buy stylish and functional apartment furniture, I invited Eliza Williams,...

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