I have spent quite some time with writing this year: blogs, house features, copy for small business owners, interviews and working on my memoir manuscript. Last week, I wrote about my evaluation of 2016 and how to make a vision board for your goals in 2017.

In this post, I wrap up my 13 inspirational posts for (creative non-fiction) writers, aspiring writers and people interested in how to build their author platform using their colour personality.

11 Books I loved Reading in 2016

3 Things I Learned From my First Literary Speed Dating

My Memoir Writing Journey: 5 Things I Learned in 2016

5 Writers on Scrivener

WriteFocus: Interview with Natasha Lester

Talking to Strangers or the Art of Powerful Conversations

Patience or the Art of Dealing with Delay

3 Tips to Make Most out of the Sydney Writers' Festival

5 Books That Inspired my Life

3 Strategies to Getting Feedback on Your Manuscript

5 Powerful Habits to Spark Your Creativity

How I Built my Author Platform

How I Developed my Author Brand


If you would like to receive updates about my writing journey and how to boost your creativity, please keep visiting this blog or subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

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