I am not a big gardener I have to admit. I know, however, that many empty nesters had big gardens and find it very hard to let go of them. In this week's podcast I am talking to Nadia Pomare, landscape designer and owner of Stylish Gardens, how to set up a garden on a balcony.

While researching for my book Downsize With Style I also found some great websites with a myriad of tips how to create a gorgeous garden on an apartment balcony. It can be as simple and as complicated as you like. It can be a very expensive exercise or you can do it for little money. Again, creativity is the key!

According to the experts there are a few things you should take into consideration before starting to shop and plant. Assess your outdoor space and write down answers to the following questions:

• How big is your outdoor area?
• How much sun (and consequently heat) does the space get?
• How cold does it get in winter?
• Is your terrace exposed to a lot of wind?
• How much care are you willing to give your garden?
• Is water easily accessible?
• What is your budget?

Listen to our podcast to hear some expert advice!

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