by Bettina Deda | Jan 15, 2019 | Conscious Living, Events, Interior Design, Living with Less |
Planning to downsize your home? If you are like most people, the hardest part is to let go of stuff. Furniture, collectables, photo albums and many more things we have accumulated over a lifetime. Additionally, most people are very change-resistant. They fear the unknown. The lack the courage to step out of their comfort zone to explore new opportunities. Join the author of Downsize with Style for a free information session with Kokoda Residences on Sydney’s North Shore on the 31 January 2019.
by Bettina Deda | Apr 5, 2017 | Podcast |
In this episode of the Downsize with Style podcast, I chat with Freedom Coach Lucille Rogers about letting go of physical stuff, emotional burden and old belief systems to return to yourself and find out what freedom means to you. Lucille and her family left their...
by Bettina Deda | Mar 3, 2017 | Creativity, Interior Design, Writing |
After five years of blogging about interior design and home downsizing it’s time to move on. I would like to thank my 500+ subscribers for reading and engaging with me. Visit to stay connected via my newsletter.
by Bettina Deda | Feb 12, 2017 | Interior Design, Living with Less |
Attention empty nesters! Are you struggling to find the right place to live after selling your family home? Among the many decisions to make when planning to downsize, finding a new home is surely one of the most important ones. Choices are endless, retirement resorts...
by Bettina Deda | Feb 8, 2017 | Books, Living with Less, Things I love |
Have you met your hermit yet? If you are in the process of downsizing your home with all the challenges that come with it, I encourage you to read his book and learn strategies how to focus on the present moment no matter what you are doing. Learn from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.