Last year, I set the goal to read one non-fiction book a month. I ended up reading about 15. Joining a non-fiction book club in May helped me not only to stay accountable but also to discover books I would not have read otherwise. We focus on memoirs, biographies, and personal development books.

As a content writer and creative writer, reading is non-negotiable and I often have a couple of books on the go.

Here are 11 inspirational quotes from the books I read last year. May they inspire you to follow through with your book or creative writing project in 2022.

Creativity is a matter of receptiveness and recognition. This cannot happen if you're convinced the world revolves around you.

Ryan Holiday, The Ego is the Enemy

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Where does resilience come from? It comes from unwavering faith. It comes from my deep love for my family and friends. It comes from necessity.

Alice Moshi, Untold Resilience (Stories of courage, survival, and love from women who have gone before)


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The significance of awe and wonder is far broader than just maintaining our sanity.

Julia Baird, Phosphorescence



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As soon as I decided to tell my secret, I felt free for the first time ever. It was like a heavy sky had been pushing down on me, pinning me to the earth, and now it was lifted and I could breathe again.

Yeonmi Park, In Order to Live

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The safety, support, and encouragement provided by self-compassion is what allows us to hold steadfast when the path ahead is full of obstacles.

Kristin Neff, Fierce Self-Compassion

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Replace the word failure with revelation.

Miki Agraval, Disrupt-Her

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Sometimes which choice you make is not as important as making a choice and committing to it.

Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

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Instead of the Ego's all or nothing, humility allows us to understand our weaknesses and want to improve.

Jay Shetty, Think Like a Monk

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Trusting ourselves, we feel alive. Feeling alive, we can reach out and trust others. Trusting others, we can cherish what they have to give to us. Taking what they have to give, we feel more alive.

Stephanie Dowrick, Intimacy and Solitude

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Silence isn't the absence of sound. It is the presence of everything.

Christine Jackman, Turning Down the Noise

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Unless you made your life a turning point, there was no reason for existing.

Saul Bellow in The Turning Point, edited by Gareth St John Thomas

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Do you have an idea for a book and don't know how to get started?

Are you working on a manuscript and need help with structuring and editing?

Want to learn more about the road to publication?


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The Turning Point: Creative Non-Fiction from the Heart


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