by Bettina Deda | Feb 8, 2017 | Books, Living with Less, Things I love |
Have you met your hermit yet? If you are in the process of downsizing your home with all the challenges that come with it, I encourage you to read his book and learn strategies how to focus on the present moment no matter what you are doing. Learn from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
by Bettina Deda | Jan 11, 2017 | Creativity, Things I love |
Did you know that 2017 is a Universal 1 Year in numerology?
Learn what this means and how to manifest your goals and dreams for the next 12 months.
by Bettina Deda | Jan 8, 2017 | Books, Interior Design, Things I love |
It was in 2013 when I first contacted New York-based interior designer Carl Dellatore to ask him if he wanted to contribute some tips to my book Downsize with Style. Just before Christmas last year, I discovered that Carl had edited a new interior design book...
by Bettina Deda | Dec 18, 2016 | Books, Things I love |
At the beginning of this year, I had set myself the goal of reading 40 books in 2016. I managed to read 22 so far, according to my bookshelf on Goodreads, plus a couple of German books, which are not listed there. And the year is not over yet. I might manage to add a...
by Bettina Deda | Oct 12, 2016 | Books, Events, Things I love |
The Dyehouse is a book about the daily life of the working class in postwar Australia “when work was being radically transformed by new industrial technologies.” The author, who was born in 1905, was member of the Communist Party and later on the Labour Party and ended up working in a textile factory herself. As Fiona McFarlane points out in her introduction “Calthorpe was expected to protect the interests of the Company at all times; but, like Miss Merton, her sympathies lay with the workers. She began to take notes, thinking, ‘Oh well, while I’m preparing to write my great Australian novel, I’ll write this.’”
by Bettina Deda | Aug 7, 2016 | Books, Things I love |
On the 4th of September, Australians celebrate Father’s Day. “It is a day for people to show their appreciation for fathers and father figures. Father figures may include stepfathers, fathers-in-law, guardians (e.g. foster parents), and family friends,” suggests the...